Vampire the masquerade bloodlines milligan bug
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines milligan bug

vampire the masquerade bloodlines milligan bug

+Made Braid Talisman raise Wits and restored SM Chunk avoiding rain. +Restored or fixed fourty NPC gestures and fixed Confession blocks. +Fixed warrens mist issue and made fatguys use the claws more often. +Removed thugs from diner after quest if you avoided fighting them. +Made spooky cover sound once and plus only and added steam to Yugo. +Fixed details of thug, Andrei, Ox, LaCroix, VV and Lily dialogues. +Restored Ocean House boiler model and animated warehouse generator. +Moved crying girl near cops at pier and changed her to unique NPC. +Restored discipline or weapon selection toggle and Flynn as vendor. +Unleaked and improved library and atrium maps, thanks to Psycho-A. +Made it possible to give redundant items to LaCroix and other NPCs. +Added Intimidating Milligan for Nosferatu and fixed armor effects. +Avoided crashing when testing out too many histories, thanks to AJ. +Disarmed Dominated guard bomb on taking and fixed one sound there. +Increased flamethrower ammo and provided Desert Eagle ammo earlier.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines milligan bug

+Added two inspections, warehouse boss talk trigger and moved Yugo. +Fixed warform using occult items issue and improved Bloodheal rate.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines milligan bug

+Restored ten decals, moved others and removed restored from basic. +Fixed some minor discipline issues and restored the basic versions. +Recreated "maze" room at Grout's Mansion and restored three icons. +Restored male blood doll at Red Dragon by using former Tong mugger. +Moved Sabbat choice into Hallowbrook atrium and added missing XPs. +Recreated missing Hallowbrook atrium level, thanks to EntenSchreck. Especially once I get Blood Shield at Level 3 Thaumaturgy. Doing so made me think I should've just bumped up my dodge and soak instead of worrying about melee at all. It was interesting doing one of the early combat scenarios with nothing but Blood Strike because if my enemy doesn't die, I get blood back from them so I can pretty much repeat the process ad infinitum. That way I can pling them from afar with Blood Strike, delay them (or crowd control lots of enemies) with Blood Purge, and if they then get too close, whack them with my pointy stick. So that should be interesting.Īlso, I'm building my character to be mostly Thaumaturgy-based with some melee skills. Mainly chose Tremere because supposedly with one of the recent Plus Patches by Wesp, Tremeres can learn Protean from Beckett provided they do provide the right dialogue options to him at the right times. Chose the Eldritch Prodigy History in order to increase my Thaumaturgy faster though my overall experience points are lowered. Just started another playthrough, this time as a Tremere.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines milligan bug